Saturday, October 26, 2013

Random boredness

Hey, so I'm now on vacation and having a seriously boring blast!! I've started on the third season of the show Once Upon A Time, and am seriously getting depressed because it doesn't seem to be as good as the first..... anywho did you know the actors for Snow and Charming are getting married?! I'm so happy for them!
And here is something hilarious I came across the other day! "I thought air was free until I bought a bag of chips...." LoL!
Bag of Air with a sprinkling of chips!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Oh!! And hello to all my friends!! I'm hoping you see this!! If ya don't oh well!! Maybe another time!!
Does anyone dress up on Halloween by the way? Got any costume ideas?


Been really busy.... I'm soooo happy though!! I'm gonna be a Ski Patroller!! I'm worried that I won't pass the test though.... Pray for me!!
Anyway I've figured out the career I want to follow!! I'm gonna be an animator!! And I'm going to start with a degree in fine arts!! So excited!!